Modström – Women’s Clothing

About Modström

Modström was founded in 2004, and the colourful and feminine design soon won over a lot of hearts, opening up the opportunity to develop Modström into a complete brand concept. The company culture is characterised by passion for fashion, entrepreneurship and hard work, which brings a hands-on female perspective to the fashion industry. Focusing on creating a meaningful business model throughout the supply chain all the way to the girl in the street. The overall mission is not to aim Modströms designs at an exclusive crowd but instead create a beautiful and easy-to-wear wardrobe relevant to many women.


Desingned With Joy

Our collections are best described as ‘on trend’ with a high level of wear ability. Colour is an important ingredient in every collection and prints are something, if you ask us, we do very well. Outerwear has always been one of our strongest categories, and we continue to add new statement pieces to the existing program each season. Our collections have an overall clean and modern look with a positive attitude. Here you can find your favorite everyday basics as well as the perfect feel-good party dress.